Who is Angella?

Hello there! My name is Angella! I grew up in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, but had taken the evergreens & abundant mountain trails for granted. Before I discovered the “well”thy lifestyle, I was living in a state of inactivity, unhealthy choices, & poor coping mechanisms. On top of that, I was an oncology nurse & my energy was solely dedicated to caring for others. Although in my heart I felt it was my life purpose to help my patients in their battle against cancer, it ultimately became physically & emotionally taxing on my own body as well.
Why wellness?
In 2013, I decided to challenge myself & relocated to the greater city for a new job opportunity as well as the start of graduate school. It was a stressful transitional period & I knew I had to find a way of relief to get me through my rough days. One life-changing morning, I signed up for my first hot yoga class at a local studio, survived the burning 90 minute session, & ended up falling in love.
In the following months, I began creating my own vinyasa flows & practicing in the solitude of my own home. Yoga helped me lose weight, as it has taught me to honor my body by eating mindfully & cleaner. I was able to cut out dairy & red meat, focusing more on fresh, organic ingredients. With the integration of hiking into my newly discovered lifestyle regimen, I knew a passion has sparked! Along with the numerous health benefits, yoga & hiking allowed me to find solace in a more peaceful state of mind.
“She has been feeling it for awhile now – that sense of awakening. There is a gentle rage simmering inside her, & it is getting stronger by the day. She will hold it close to her – she will nurture it & let it grow. She won’t let anyone take it away from her. It is her rocket fuel & finally, she is going places. She can feel it down to her very core – this is her time. She will not only climb mountains – she will move them too.”
Lang Leav
Why travel?
Growing up sheltered & absorbed in my nursing career, I never had the opportunity to explore much outside of the country. Fortunately, my husband, Jay, was already a well-traveled man & was ready to show me the world. Our first international trip together was to Peru, where he proposed to me at the epic World Wonder of Machu Picchu. It was the beginning of a neverending wanderlust for more travels. For our honeymoon, we went on an Iceland road trip via campervan, then finished off with a few days in Paris & London. We closed out that memorable year in Chile & Argentina, backpacking through the beautiful regions of Patagonia. Since then, we have visited several other countries & I am slowly catching up, back blogging about all our adventures.
Jay has always encouraged me to do what I really love, which is to inspire others through my creative abilities. I knew I had a decent collection of visual content, but never built up the courage to write about the stories behind them…until now. Maybe one day I will be able to break away from nursing to pursue my dream of healing people in other holistic ways or the power of my words. But in the meantime, & as time allows, I can share my knowledge & experiences via Simply Angella in hopes that I will instill a positive change in your life today. ❤️